About the On Your Feet Scholarship

Dance Teachers Association scholarships are intended to assist individuals to carry out work in the field of dance. The “On Your Feet” scholarship was created by DTAN to help children in financial need participate and be exposed to dance class. This scholarship covers the entire cost of one year of dance lessons. It includes tuition, dance uniform and footwear, recital costume, and transportation to and from the venue (if required).


Scholarship Guidelines

The Dance Teachers Association of Newfoundland will be offering scholarships to individuals who are in some way seeking to pursue a career in dance or dance related activities or who are in some way seeking to promote, preserve and better understand dance in a manner which will benefit the entire dance community.
NOTE: This includes all areas of study which may directly pertain to dance, i.e. medical aspects of dance, dance teacher training, artistic events, studies and projects involving preservation of dance, etc. The events may include such items as the following: conferences, specialized long and short term programs, original research.

  1. General Information
    Scholarships must be submitted on the official application form. Scholarships must be applied for in advance of the start date for the proposed dance year. The deadline to submit applications is September 30th. Retroactive applications, late applications, or incomplete applications will not be considered.

  2. Review Process
    Applications will be reviewed by a committee of at least three voting members of DTAN. Final approval is subject to majority approval of members attending a regular meeting.

  3. Evaluation Criteria
    Applications should demonstrate the following:
    (a) a fully completed application that demonstrates that the candidate has done the appropriate (particularly in Section E & G) in selecting a school to study with research
    (b) a definite sense of the candidate’s desire to dance should be apparent through their personal statement; two (2) references that clearly demonstrate why the candidate should be awarded a scholarship and how receiving the scholarship will benefit the candidate; that the applicant’s current financial circumstances limit their ability to participate in a dance class. References have to attest to your specific situation. Each applicant must submit two (2) separate references. References cannot be a family member or friend. Recognized references are: physician, social worker, school teacher, dance teacher, guidance counsellor, therapist, clergy or representative from a recognized social agency

  4. Deadline for Applications
    Only fully completed applications postmarked or delivered to the DTAN Scholarship Committee on or by the deadline date noted for a scholarship session will be accepted.

  5. Who is Eligible to Apply
    Any individual who is studying dance, or wishes to study dance from an active DTAN member between the ages of 2-18.

  6. Application
    The application is currently not open.

For more information, email us at info@danceteachersnl.com