About the Aspire Scholarship
Dance Teachers Association scholarships are intended to assist individuals to carry out work in the field of dance. The “Aspire” scholarship is intended for applicants who wish to study outside the province. Applicants will thereby receive training unavailable to them in Newfoundland. These scholarships will be awarded in various amounts and may be used for course and/ or travel expenses.
Scholarship Guidelines
The Dance Teachers Association of Newfoundland will be offering scholarships to individuals who are in some way seeking to pursue a career in dance or dance related activities or who are in some way seeking to promote, preserve and better understand dance in a manner which will benefit the entire dance community.
NOTE: This includes all areas of study which may directly pertain to dance, i.e. medical aspects of dance, dance teacher training, artistic events, studies and projects involving preservation of dance, etc. The events may include such items as the following: conferences, specialized long and short term programs, original research.
General Information
Scholarships must be submitted on the official application form available from the Association. Scholarships must be applied for in advance of the start date of a project, course of study, conference, etc. Retroactive applications cannot be considered.Review Process
Applications will be reviewed by a committee of at least four voting members of the Dance Teachers Association of Newfoundland. Approval of scholarships is subject to a majority of members attending a regular meeting.Evaluation Criteria
Growth Potential – The extent to which the project shows a potential for being followed by more extensive or in-depth experiences for the applicant.
Ability – The extent to which the applicant has the requisite skills necessary to complete the project and maintain standards of excellence.
Feasibility – The extent to which the project is likely to be completed successfully bearing in mind the costs, time and other pertinent considerations.Deadline for Applications
Only fully completed applications emailed to the DTAN Scholarship Committee at on or by the deadline date noted for a scholarship session will be accepted. This includes letters of reference, supportive materials, etc. Scholarships are intended to assist the applicant in furthering his or her study in the field of dance. They may be used for expenses relating to course work, study costs and travel.Who is Eligible to Apply
Any individual who is interested in furthering his or her studies in dance. Must be a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant who has resided in Newfoundland for a minimum period of five consecutive years.Acknowledgements
DTAN requests that any publicity or promotional materials related to the project acknowledge the assistance of the Dance Teachers Association of Newfoundland. Furthermore, references to, and listing of having received funding from DTAN must accurately reflect what the funding was granted for.Final Report
Successful applicants are required to submit a summary of the project to DTAN within three months of completion. The report should consist of a short essay describing the course or project and the benefits obtained from the experience. It must also include a photograph of the candidate and a copy of the receipt for the course of study and should be submitted to:
The application period for this scholarship is currently closed.
For more information, email us at